Sunday, September 18, 2016

6 SEO Mistakes By Beginner's

6 SEO Mistakes By Beginners

If you want to make your post  to get more traffic you wans to prevent from SEO mistakes. Google Search Engine Optimization works behind all web. Google shows best sites from all over the web. To make your blog post you have to do little steps to make it best for Google. There is a big range of SEO Common mistakes but my in this post I am going to highlighting these 6 common mistakes by beginners.

6 SEO Mistakes By Begginers

Choosing Very Long Titles

The title which you are choosing must be 50 to 60 characters and minimum 7 characters, to make it friendly by Google searching. Google search robot is working behind the web which make it possible to showing best search results for their users. So if the title is to long it will be cut and chopped by search robot and give bade impression. It is on you where you take your hard work to make waste or beneficial. Programmers do these simple steps to make their work best.

Words More Then 1000 In A Post

This is second common mistake by beginners. They make limited words of their post to 200 to 300. Search robots pick up the articles which have more then 1000 words. If you make limited your article to 500 word and other articles with 700 words of other bloggers then they will take the search benefit by search robots. More the words in an article more the great article for search engines.

Using Headings h1 Tag For Titles

This also a big mistake by beginners. For making your post search friendly you must use h1 tag for your title. Blogger usually use h2 tag for titles. So its on you how you make best of best your article. Without h1 tag for titles the search robots not give rank to your titles. So after even a great article without h1 tag it will not get traffic more.

Use WTT For Keyword Search

Use webtexttool for search friendly titles, because it is possible that there could be great competition between titles. To make less competition wtt is best tool to make your article search friendly

Using Alt Tag For Images

This is also a common mistake by beginners. You must want to make alt tag use for your images to understanding your images by robots. Search robots find alt tags to show the results. Using tags is a good habit if you have this habbit.Tags make an article very professional. Tags also make an article friendly for search enginn optimization. Because of search engines are not working for web developers the are working for searchers and web surfers,

They try their best to give more and more best results for their users. If we continue our mistakes how can we stand in the blogsphere or world of web? We just wants to start polish our skills where we are to make our blogs more best for search robots.

Bold And Italic Tags

A more common mistake by beginners is not using bold and italic tags for make some text more highlight for SEO friendly. Using these tags make an article more beautiful for subscribers and the not go to leave you alone. And chances will increase for more subscribers to subscribe for your blog.

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